GSA QA QC Program
Washington, DC

Project Square Footage
Market Sector
Civic + Government
Project Type
Standards Development
Year Completed
Architectural Resource Consultants (ARC) was selected from a group of five other highly qualified peers to assist the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) with the development of their Laser Scanning QA/QC program guide. GSA is known for their leadership in the development of standards for the BIM and Laser Scanning community through their BIM Guide Series. This guide effectively established a thorough procedure for ensuring high quality laser scan deliverables for GSA. This demonstrates ARC's recognized expertise in quality assurance and performance on government projects.
The purpose of this project was to develop a standardized 3D laser scanning QA/QC process for accepting laser scanning (imaging) data and associated deliverables (2D drawings from imaging data, and 3D models / BIM from imaging data).
As part of this project, ARC was tasked with reviewing the work of two different firms. One firm scanned and modeled the Byron White Federal Court House in Denver, Colorado. ARC received the company's scan data from the project in order to a model check and report back any issues / feedback. ARC also had the opportunity to shadow another company while they were performing a scan of the Blair House in Washington, DC. ARC was able to watch and evaluate their process as well as review their data afterwards.