OCWD Micro-Filtration Electrical Rooms
Fountain Valley, CA

Project Square Footage
6,012 s.f.
Market Sector
Civic + Government
Project Type
Public Works
Year Completed
The Orange County Water District (OCWD) hired on a construction company to begin the Initial Expansion of the Groundwater Replenishment System. The OCWD’s Advanced Water Purification Facility (AWPF) in Fountain Valley, CA, is a $147M project designed to create an additional 31K acre feet per year (AFY) of new water supplies to serve north and central Orange County. Upon completion, the AWPF's total production will reach 103K AFY thus providing water for 850K people. The project required expanding the existing micro-filtration (MF) via the construction of 8 new below-grade treatment basins and enlarging the existing basement facility. The new expansion required upgrades to the 2 electrical rooms that serve that serve the MF facility and routing new mechanical/electrical resources to those rooms.
In order to determine the routing for the mechanical/electrical services while avoiding clashes with the existing design, a Scan-to-BIM process was implemented. Documenting existing conditions by employing Autodesk's Revit platform to process the scan data would give McCarthy Construction the confidence to avoid added costs, change orders, time and delays associated with the traditional means of the field fabrication process. The anticipated precise routing of conduits and ductwork coupled with pre-fabricating the components to subsequently be delivered to the site, ultimately assured for clash-free construction. The minimization of downtime was critical to the overall success of the project. Without an accurate existing conditions model, the risk of clashes between the current and and new systems involving the numerous trades would have been far greater.
ARC's technological expertise, best practices/processes and continued quality improvement initiatives it employs has made the acquisition of complex building systems both fast, accurate and affordable. The scanning the electrical rooms required two-days, the finished model was delivered to the client in ten-days at a cost of less than $10K. The efficiencies are something that traditional documenting and modeling tools show little competition.