1615 California St.
Denver, CO

Project Square Footage
~ 26,000 s.f.
Market Sector
Historic Preservation + Cultural Heritage
Project Type
Historic Building
Year Completed
Architectural Resource Consultants(ARC) was hired to provide a field survey and CAD as-built for the property. ARC approached this project by utilizing HDS (High Definition Survey) 3D laser scanning (3DLS) to document the facade. A point cloud was generated and then used to create 2D AutoCAD elevations of the two street side facades. The final 2D elevations of the facades were used to help with the restoration of the building to its original 1893 condition. The deliverables would also be used for presentations to historic preservation groups in the city.
In order to accurately capture data for the top highest points of the facade, scans were taken from rooftops of two adjacent buildings.